Friend of Spitfire Leather and Leatherman’s Leatherman, Ralph Bruneau is turning his COVID-19 lockdown experience into something good.
"There isn’t a lot I can do right now.” said Ralph, "But. I need to do something.”
So Ralph came up with an idea for raising cash for one of his favourite charities,
"Being a bystander isn’t an option now as it wasn’t back in the 80’s when I watched so many of my generation become ill and die from ignorance, homophobia, and governmental neglect. Then, I could hold the hands of those in hospice. I can’t do that now. But. I can do something.”
So Ralph thought of ways he could do something to help those in need during this global pandemic.
"This virus is affecting more than just bodies. It’s affecting finances – needed food, meds, rent, debt, access to care etc."
Ralph decided to raise cash to help out members of the Leather community.
"I have more gear than I will ever need.” Ralph told Spitfire. "A lot of [guys] have admired my gear (and my closet)."
Now, every week until this pandemic is behind us, Ralph is auctioning a piece of his personal leather collection to benefit the Leather Heart Foundation. http://www.leatherheart.org/
"I have supported them for years". Ralph told us.
The Leather Heart Foundation is “the only national organization of its kind: an organization of, by and for kinksters and leather folk whose sole purpose is to help our brothers and sisters who are experiencing financial hardship”
"Joe and I are healthy and have work. That isn’t true for many. If there was ever a time we need to help our siblings, again, it is now.”
Ralphs first item to sell was a Leather Pride vest and jock which he had purchased from Spitfire Leather.

"I was delighted” said Nhamo, owner of Spitfire Leather. "Ralph explained his idea to me and asked for my permission to auction off one of our designs."
Ralph explained to us how the bidding process works.
”Bids are made during a week in the comments in my Facebook post announcing that week’s item. If your donation is the largest received by the end of the week, you will win the item being actioned".
"The winning bidder confirms they have made a donation equal to their winning bid to the Leather Heart Foundation and I send them the stuff."
The first action was very successful and so we at Spitfire Leather have decided to donate more items for Ralph to auction. We will be sending him the following items to be included in future weeks.

Here are the steps to bid on any of Ralph’s auctions;
- Friend or Follow Ralph at https://www.facebook.com/ralph.bruneau.7
- Each week Ralph posts a photo of the items to be actioned that week.
- Make your bid in a Comment under the post.
- If you are the lucky winner, Ralph will contact you and request you to make your donation at http://www.leatherheart.org/Donate/
- Once your donation is complete, send Ralph a screenshot/receipt of your donation with your address and he will send you the item you won!
It's a great way to get some cool kit and help members of our community in need.
We wish Ralph much success in the coming weeks.
Finally, we asked Ralph if there was anything else we should know.
"Please invite others to join the auction in a social media post using hashtag #BuyMyGear-FightCOVID-19.
Oh, and stay safe & stay healthy.